myofascial release + yin yoga teacher training
with Heather Beier E-RYT500
Online Orientation: April 9, 2025
Weekend Immersion: April 25-27, 2025
Yoga is more than physical. It is cellular, mental, intellectual and spiritual - it involves man in his entire being.
- B.K.S. Iyengar
Yin Yoga is a quiet style of yoga that specifically targets the fascia of the body. Gently stressing the tissues in this passive way contributes to their health by stimulating and activating the cells through rehydration and re-stimulating fluid production. Because of its inherent stillness, the mind and breath are encouraged to slow down, providing opportunities for reflection and meditation.
Myofascial Release has become more and more popular over the last decade for good reason. If you've experienced MFR, you're aware of its power to transform and shift patterns in the fascial tissues. Its benefits are extensive, ranging from accelerating injury recovery, reducing movement restrictions, and even offering relief from stiffness and pain.
Participants will learn:
What is Yin Yoga?
What are the principles of Yin Yoga?
Origins of Yin yoga in Chinese Meridian theory
Physical, mental and emotional benefits of Yin Yoga
What is Myofascial Release?
What does the research say regarding fascia structure, function, and dysfunction?
Myofascial release techniques to promote optimal tissue health and function
Trigger points and specialized protocols for every part of the body
Application of Myofascial Release within a yoga setting
Experience the practice
Teaching Yin, preparing the space, setting your intention
Sequencing by meridian
Sequencing by theme
Modifications and propping
Importance of integration
Practice teaching
and more...!
This module is appropriate for serious yoga students and yoga teachers who would like to deepen their knowledge for their own personal practice. Yoga teachers will also learn the "hows" and "whys" of teaching Yin Yoga and applying Myofascial Release techniques.
RYTs who attend will receive 25 CEUs toward their registration renewal with the Yoga Alliance.
RYTs who successfully complete additional student-teaching hours and homework will be certified by Muddy Waters Yoga School to teach Yin Yoga classes.
Upon successful completion, RYTs will be able to use training hours towards Muddy Waters Yoga School's 500-hour yoga teacher training.
Online Orientation: April 9, 2025
Weekend Immersion: April 25-27, 2025
Wednesday, April 9 | 6pm-8pm
Friday, April 25 | 5pm-9:15pm
Saturday, April 26 | 9:30am-5:30pm
Sunday, April 27 | 9:30am-5:30pm
20 contact hours; 5 non-contact practicum hours
Cost: $399
If you’d like to attend this training and apply it towards Muddy Waters’ 500-hour program, please complete this application prior to registration.
6 spots available for spring training.